
Smart integration between construction and energy saving.

Working in the construction world while also integrating plant engineering with a green approach, is essential if you want to build in nZEB logic: the use of latest generation materials and BIM design and modeling system provide the Customer’s buildings with a high energy class, respecting the environment and consumption provided.

Termal Green Buildings is the real estate company of Termal Group, established in 2015 for the construction and restructuring of part of the Group’s real estate assets in a nZEB way.
It is a company of products and services dedicated to buildings and their contents. In addition to building on its own, TGB acts as a general contractor able to coordinate the entire construction process of a building: from the feasibility study to the realization. TGB can manage administrative and authorization phases, deal with both architectural and engineering executive planning, and manage the whole nZEB redevelopment project supply chain through owned companies.
The perfect synergy between the companies of Termal Group means that TGB builds directly realizing all the projects: architectural, structural, and plant to ensure Customers a “turnkey” work that guarantees the expected results in the project, with clear and monitorable costs.